Buying a House for my Fur Baby

Want to know who two of my favorite people in the entire world are?! My dogs! Walter and Rosie, 2 smelly, hairy, noisy, rambunctious and oh-so-cute golden retrievers. What I would do for my fur babies! 

It’s a dog’s world, I’m just living in it

These days, way more households have pets than before. And this recent increase in the pet population has influenced home buying and remodeling decisions. How we use our space with our fur babies is important to homeowners. 

Seventy percent of U.S. households, or about 90.5 million families, own a pet, according to the 2021-2022 National Pet Owners Survey conducted by the American Pet Products Association (APPA). This is up from 56 percent of U.S. households in 1988, the first year the survey was conducted, and 67 percent in 2019.

Top 5 Home Purchase Decisions for your Pet

  • Fenced Backyard

  • Proximity to Busy Road

  • Durable and Non-Carpeted Flooring

  • Outdoor space has grass, shade, non-toxic plants

  • Stairs versus single story (especially for geriatric pets)

5 Home Design Trends for your Pet

  • Large Mudroom with Built-In Washing Station

  • Built-In drawer with water / food bowls

  • Cat closet

  • Durable Flooring

  • Faux turf with drainage system 

Let’s not forget about renting! If you are a Landlord, chances are you have succumbed to the idea that you will have more tenant options if you allow pets. What are some ways you can protect yourself and your property?

  • Contact your insurance agent to discuss pet restrictions

  • Obtain records and information regarding the potential pets

  • Contact previous landlords to find out if the pet was destructive

  • Require an appropriate pet deposit for damage

We LOVE our fur babies and are here to help you with home buying, leasing and any remodeling ideas!